tetiba terasa nak jot sumthing here..
ptg td..masa i was on my way balik dr office..i received an sms..
tanye pasal betul tak dgr kaba angin yang dia dgr..which is i've engaged with sumone..i was like, WHATTT??..here come the rumors again..
guess what, this is not the first time..before this, ada 2-3 org asking the same question..i wonder, who started the rumors?? dah tade keje lain ke ape..arrghhh...
at first rasa tade ape..mmg dia dgr rumor yang tade penghujung tu laa tu..rasa mcm nak ignore je memula..tapi i jawab laa jugak..but then when i jawab "no,i've not engaged yet", dia tak percaya..pastu siap tuduh nyorokkan cite sebenar...hey come on laa..kalau tanak percaya, takyah laa tanye..beriye tanye, bile dah jwb, beriye tak percaya pulak..but nways, if betul pun i got engaged, kenape? whats with that? salah ke? am i a celebrity or whatt? ada je gossip yang menyinggah..~sigh..
hmm takpelaa..thats what life is..whether i like it or not..i have to face it..hmm..hopefully lps nih tade laa rumors yang bukan2 lg..sib baik tak masuk paper je..kalau tak, dah femes dah.. :(
My First Post
6 years ago