Wednesday, March 16, 2011

30 is just a number! :P

WOW! am turning 3-series today!
semoga sentiasa dilimpahi rahmatNya..

hmm..mommy turns 30 and si tecit turns 15month!
we love 16, kan lesya! hihihi..

to family & friends who wished & prayed,
tq so much for all your lovely thoughts!
really really really appreciated them! muuuahhh!!

to boss, sorry arini kurang ada mood nak buat keje..
sbb saya sibuk facebooking..mereply post2 dari rakan2 terchenta..
dan saya juga sibuk sms-ing segala sms yang diterima..
kerana sy sayang dan hargai mereka semua!

anyway, tq for the birthday treat ya boss! hehe
tahun depan kalau umo pjg, belanja la lg..hikhik..


chucky said...

waaaa,hepi birthdayyy.....
30????ape ade..nomo sajeeee
mari kite enjoi life to the max

:: iera :: said...

tq bebeh!
30, 40, 50? yes, its just a number..
rejoice! ahahhaa

@tune® said... worries la...
cun ape no 30 itu...

Unknown said...

asal selalu nampak muda n perasan muda... muda la tu :)